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Mostrando postagens com marcador Hatefulmurder. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2016

Hatefulmurder - Caught by the arms of Death

Early 2008 in Rio de Janeiro, four friends, Renan Campos, Ernani Henrique and Diego Azevedo unite with the producer Felipe Lameira to compose and play extreme metal on their own eay.
In between gigs, the band releases its first material in 2009, a single called “Extreme Level of Hate”, receiving great reviews and conquering the people of the underground scenario of that time, as it can be seen on the videos of this period. The fast and melodic riffs of this song and its complex changes in tempo represent what was the beginning of the identity of the band. In june of 2010 the first demo, called “When the Slaughtering Begins” was released, continuing this characteristic of sound and proportioning good gigs. Several drummers played in the band during this year on many gigs throughout South of Brazil.
On 2011, Thomás Martin joined the group during the compositions of “The Wartrail”, the EP that would be launched on june that year. Better gigs began to show up and the band started playing with important names of the national scenario. 2011 was also the year that Hatefulmurder won the ‘Wacken Open Air Metal Battle’ of Rio and consolidated its presence in the metal scene of the city.
“The Wartrail” EP showed the public and critics how mature Hatefulmurder was already on that time, and that brought amazing reviews (national and international) and gigs to the band, proportioning “The Wartour”.
“The Wartour” went through 2012 bringing the energy of the Hatefulmurder gigs to new parts of Brasil, including the Northeast. During this tour, Ernani had to stop playing live to focus on the treatment of a cancer. A great and talented friend called Romulo Pirozzi filled in for his position, playing on bigger and bigger gigs, like the ones with Ratos de Porão, Torture Squad, Krisiun and Violator. The public was always showing great support and enthusiasm on Hatefulmurder gigs, what called the attention of local producers from all over Brazil.
On September 2012, Hatefulmurder had to face what was definately the most difficult task of the band. Ernani was victim of the cancer he fought bravely for several years. This had great impact upon the bands emotion, and after some time Lameira, Renan and Thomás finally decided to conclude the compositions of the first record, in memory of Ernani. “No Peace” was then recorded and in between the mix stage of the record, an experient bassist called Felipe Modesto joined the band.
The single “Gates of Despair” of the “No Peace” album was released in 2013 and maintened the band active, with great gigs that gave Hatefulmurder an increase in popularity and acceptance. This song shows an even more mature and unique sound identity.
After some great gigs with the Canadian giants ‘Kataklysm’ and ‘Voivod’ in Brazil, some great opportunities showed up for Hatefulmurder. Cogumelo Records, the legendary label that released the first Sepultura and Sarcofago albums asked to release the debut “No Peace”. After these gigs also, the most important producer of Chile invited the band to open for Killswitch Engage after the Chilean tour that was scheduled for August 2014.
With the release of “No Peace” via Cogumelo Records and the success of the Chilean tour, Hatefulmurder reached a new level in popularity and grew its fan base like never before, what brought them the opportunity to tour South America for the first time with fellow bands Warbringer and Nervochaos.
‘La Devastación’ tour, as it was called, went through 5 different countries bringing energy and metal adrenaline to south american fans and Hatefulmurder made new fans and friends on each city that passed.
After ‘La Devastación’ tour, Felipe Lameira decided to leave the band in September 2015, Angelica Burns joined Hatefulmurder for a new era on the career of the band

segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012

Hatefulmurder - The Wartrail (Live At Teatro Odisséia - RJ)

--> Surges in early 2008 a new band in Rio de Janeiro city purposing make an aggressive, fast and powerful Thrash/Death,combining the most varied genre´s influences. Then the band Hatefulmurder borns, with a consolidated formation, starts to present in concerts at the end of that year. Continuing in various gigs, the band launches in mid of 2009 its first recorded material: the "Extreme Level of Hate" demo single, getting rave reviews and winning recognition in underground scene, as demonstrated by the online zine Heavyolution,which states: "The instrumentation is flawless total rapport with the members, and aggressive vocals makes "Extreme Level of Hate" a great and triumphant entry into the underground scene". In June 2010 the band released the demo "When the Slaughtering Begins " continuing its work, getting back to please both critics, and to the public. Roadie Crew, the largest Brazilian magazine devoted to the genre, praised: "The band has already been highlighted last year ... climbed a few rungs in terms of maturity and sonority. Amazing Thrash/Death metal... What stands out for its brutal elegance". Good review of Whiplash!, The largest portal specializing in heavy metal in Brazil:" Now quick, aggressive and harsh, sometimes more technical and rhythmic, but always heavy and inspired, the sound of band is a delight for the ears of fans of the style". The recognition of the public has paid off, opening up more space and making the group had the opportunity to play with renowned bands like Othargos (FRA), Korzus (BRA) and Unearthly (BRA). Now in 2011, the band signed up for the biggest metal band contest held in the world, amid nearly two hundred entries only in the state of Rio de Janeiro, the W:O:A Metal Battle. The band was among those selected as one of five competing for the national finals of the competition, through a selective state. The band was considered the best of the night, having been assessed by a jury of specialized critics, and popular vote. Currently Hatefulmurder promotes the release of his latest work, the EP "The Wartrail". Besides all that remains touring,promoting and supporting the underground scene in Brazil.

sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2012

HATEFULMURDER - Black Chapter (Demo) !NEW SONG! 2011

--> O HATEFULMURDER foi criado no ano de 2008, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com o intuito de tocar um thrash/death metal bem agressivo e pesado, e desde então tem realizado diversos shows para divulgar seu material. Já no ano de 2009, a banda lançou sua primeira demo, “Extreme Level of Hate”, e já em 2010 a segunda, "When the Slaughtering Begins", sendo que ambas conseguiram grande repercussão na mídia especializada. Como dito acima, a banda investe num thrash metal muito pesado, sujo e agressivo, com vários elementos de death metal tradicional, o que torna seu som ainda mais cativante e soturno. Para se ter uma idéia do som da banda, imaginem uma mistura de EXODUS com OBITUARY. E como toda boa banda que se propõe a tocar thrash/death metal, o HATEFULMURDER é uma verdadeira fábrica de riffs espetaculares, tanto os mais rápidos e agressivos, quanto os mais cadenciados e pesados. Destaca-se também a cozinha, muito eficiente e técnica, bem como os vocais de Felipe Lameira, cujos urros são capazes de fazer qualquer alto falante estremecer, dando ainda mais Fonte: Wartrail - Hatefulmurder - Resenhas de CDs http://whiplash.net/materias/cds/134434-hatefulmurder.html#ixzz22S3dRRIU Fonte: Wartrail - Hatefulmurder - Resenhas de CDs http://whiplash.net/materias/cds/134434-hatefulmurder.html#ixzz22S3R1Omy
