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Mostrando postagens com marcador In Extremo. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013

In Extremo - Palästinalied (Live Raue Spree)

In Extremo (LatinAt the Edge) is a German medieval metal band originating from Berlin. The band's musical style combines metal with medieval traditional songs, blending the sound of the standard rock/metal instruments with historical instruments (such as bagpipesharphurdy-gurdy andshawm). Versions of well-known traditional/medieval ballads make up the main part of their repertoire, but the band has written an increasing share of original material in recent years. Their own material is written in German, whilst the traditional songs are in a variety of languages, including Gaelic,SpanishEnglishNorwegianSwedishIcelandicFrenchEstonianGalicianHebrewLatinOccitan and Old High German.In Extremo (abbreviated InEx, or just IE) began as two projects: a nameless, purely medieval band, and a rock band. They became known at that time through frequent appearances at medieval market meetings, at which they performed their acoustic pieces and sold CDs of their renditions of traditional songs. During the recording for the 1995 season, Michael Rhein (alias Das letzte Einhorn, engl. "The Last Unicorn") found the project name "In Extremo," Latin for "At The Edge."
